Educational Leadership
Dr. Lloyd
Implementing a Pipeline to Power!
Dr. Silvia M. Lloyd is a dynamic and innovative teacher, mother, and entrepreneur who has positively impacted hundreds of families throughout New York State for over 20 years. Being the first in her family to earn a doctorate degree, Dr. Lloyd has modeled the way for younger generations to excel academically, professionally, and financially.
As a Data/Assessment Coordinator for the Reading First Grant, Dr. Lloyd identified gaps in reading data in urban, suburban, and rural schools that helped increased reading scores throughout the region of Western New York. As a Clinical Assistant Professor and Interim Program Director for the Graduate School of Education (GSE) at the University at Buffalo, Dr. Lloyd wrote curricula for pre-service teachers, taught graduate level courses, and supervised the student teacher internship.
As a school librarian and supervisor of libraries, Dr. Lloyd worked in urban and suburban school districts such as the Buffalo Public Schools. the Rochester City School District, the New York City Department of Education, and the White Plains Public Schools. And as the Director of the School Library Programs in Buffalo and Rochester, Dr. Lloyd supervised over 100 educators, won numerous grants, purchased state-of-the-art technology and educational materials thereby upgrading New York State school libraries to bright, innovative learning environments and providing professional development to teachers that impacted student’s academic achievement.
During her time in public schools, Dr. Lloyd observed the vast disparity between the quality of schools located in the suburbs versus the quality of schools located in cities. She realized that she could make a greater impact in her own community by helping children from low-income families to forge a pipeline to power.
Her social justice publications have received multiple awards and accolades from New York State program directors and community leaders including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Buffalo Chapter, The New York City My Brother’s Keeper program (NYCMBK), The United Way of New York City, and the National Federation for Just Communities of WNY, Inc.
In addition to this, Dr. Lloyd has developed a plan that will guide parents, students and teachers to reach their full potential and pride themselves on being the best they can be.
It has been widely documented that children from low-income homes exhibit the lowest reading scores. Statistics show that children who do not read on grade level by the end of the third grade are at risk of reading failure and ultimately end up on the school to prison pipeline. According to the National Adult Literacy Survey, 70 percent of all incarcerated adults can not read at a fourth-grade level which means they “lack the reading skills to navigate many everyday tasks or hold down anything but a lower paying job.”
The cycle of generational poverty is further carried out when those lacking basic educational skills remain unemployed. In order to build human capital for our nation and eliminate illiteracy and learning poverty, children from low-income homes must understand the fundamental elements of the pipeline to power.
In essence, Dr. Lloyd’s pipeline to power plan goes beyond basic employment skills and teaches children how to develop an innovative mindset where they learn how to create 21st century products, skills, and services that can position them to become the head of their own corporations.

Social Justice Curriculum Design
This 21st Century curriculum includes scaffolded lesson plans and pacing charts, K-12.

Digital Literacy Curriculum Design
This 21st Century curriculum includes scaffolded lesson plans and pacing charts, K-12

College Research and Writing Curriculum Design
This 21 Century curriculum includes scaffolded lesson plans and pacing charts for Grades 11-12.

Classroom Management for Struggling Teachers
This includes friendly coaching, modeling, and one-on-one consultation for teaching students who exhibit challenging behavior.

Pandemic Preparedness
This includes strategic planning for reclosing and/or reopening schools during a pandemic, communication with all stakeholders, and proactive crisis management.

Leadership Crisis Management
This includes strategic planning for image rebuilding and/or repair, legal statements, media kits, press conferences, and commercials.