The Agenda for the Black Community in 2023: Operation #Makeamericasafe

The United States is the only country where mass shootings take place.  In 2022, there were over 600 mass shootings in this country.  The FBI is defining mass shootings as four or more individuals killed in one setting. 

Overall, there have been more mass shootings in 2022 than there are days in the year: 611, to be exact.  This is a trend that has continued to climb since 2019.  In 2022, approximately 3,179 people have been shot in mass shootings, 637 have died, and 2,500 were injured.  In 2023, those numbers could double.  I predict that the year 2023 will be the most deadly year in U.S. history if the community does not take action to change laws that impact Black life. 

Although gun violence knows no color, age, or gender, statistics show that people of color are often in greater danger of being racially profiled by the police.  Because of this, they are disproportionately arrested and more likely to be killed or injured during a police encounter.  Black males are 21 more times likely to be killed by police than their similarly situated white male counterparts.  Since the 2020 killing of George Floyd, there have been more than 200 Black people killed by the police.

Unfortunately, Congress is at an impasse on changing gun laws.  However, changing laws could take many years.  In the meantime, Americans are vulnerable.  Places that were once deemed safe such as nightclubs, concerts, and supermarkets are no longer secure as long as gun laws remain the same.

To this end, it is imperative that the Black community set an agenda that will bring an end to mass shootings in this country.

The recommended agenda for the Black community in 2023 is as follows:

#1 Ban AR-15 Assault Rifles

#2 Hold Technology Companies Accountable

#3 Start a Movement

First, the banning of AR-15 assault rifles is the only way to mitigate mass shootings.   This deadly, weapon of war is easily accessible. It has no place in American society and needs to be banned ASAP!

Second, technology companies must be held accountable for not censoring white supremacists’ manifestos and for allowing mass shootings to be live streamed on social media platforms. 

Third, as was mentioned previously, Congress is at an impasse and it could take years to change laws.  Even if a law is changed, it could be overturned shortly thereafter.  There must be outrage from the community in order for a movement to occur.  A movement includes boycotts, protests, and marches. The fact that in 2020, 999 children, ages 0-11, have been killed or injured by guns should be impetus enough for the community to get organized and demand gun laws be changed immediately. 

In my new book, The Buffalo 10 Massacre: Spoken Word Poetry for Healing and Understanding I provide lesson plans that will help teachers facilitate social justice education and teach secondary level students how to start a movement.  The antiquated educational system in America must be aligned to the Black agenda for Black children to be successful in finding solutions to uproot systemic racism. 

My book offers specific solutions to transform the Black community.  It is not a short-term solution to pacify white guilt.  It is a blueprint for long-term, sustainable change.  Children should know:

    • How the Black community is different from other communities when dealing with issues of inequity in society;

    • How they can make a difference;

    • What it is like to start a movement; and

    • How they can get others involved.

The social justice lesson plans focus on guided questions such as 1) What are the factors that created an imbalance of power within the culture?  2) How did that power imbalance effect fairness and justice, or the lack thereof? 3) Why is it necessary to question the status quo? 4) What are the benefits and consequences of questioning and challenging social order? 5) In what ways can a person of color keep issues of injustice on the larger culture’s “radar screen”?

The Buffalo 10 Massacre: Spoken Word Poetry for Healing and Understanding is available on Amazon.  I am available for workshops and professional development on teaching the lessons in the book, how to become an anti-racist, and how to incorporate social–emotional learning in lesson planning.

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